What Plants Are Deer-Resistant?
Springtime is prime plant and flower time. With the right plantings, your yard can look beautiful—but not if deer and other wildlife are eating them! It’s no secret that deer are a nuisance to any landscape, especially a new one.
However, deer are unpredictable, and what they leave alone in one yard is a treat in another. There are no plants that we would consider completely safe. This makes choosing the right plantings pretty hard. A landscape company like Four Seasons that is knowledgeable about the area should be able to help you.
Deer-Resistant Plants in Maryland
There are many “deer-resistant plants” lists out there online, but from our experience, deer love a lot of the plants on those lists! Many plants on the list we’ve compiled (below) are almost never touched—the list is based off of actual field experience and is specific to Maryland.
Deer-Resistant Shrubs:
- Boxwood
- Cherry Laurel
- Sweetspire
- Spirea
- Barberry
- Spruce
- Cotoneaster
- Daphne
- Butterfly bush
Deer-Resistant Perennials:
- Coreopsis
- Astilbe
- Salvia
- Ornamental grasses
- Geraniums
- Carex
- Achillea
- Foxgloves
- Ferns
- Bleeding hearts
- Russian sage
- Lavender
- Lamb’s Ears
Note: Keep in mind as well that deer will sample a newly installed landscape. That “sampling” could be a herd of twenty deer each taking a few bites, leaving nothing but sticks. This is frustrating, but it does not mean they will necessarily come back and continue to eat the plants.

Choosing the Right Softscaping & Plantings
If you live in the Montgomery, Howard, or Frederick County, Maryland areas, Four Seasons can help. We have our own nursery and have experience helping homeowners choose the right plantings that are deer-resistant and will complement their yard and other landscaping. We can install shrubs, flowers, plants, and trees.
Contact us today to learn more about deer-resistant plants or if you’re ready to schedule a softscaping consultation at your home!