Bulb Planting in Maryland
It’s not too early to start planning your yard for spring. As a matter of fact, now is exactly the time to start plotting (and potting!) what bulbs you want to plant. Some of the most beautiful plants that bloom each spring—daffodils, tulips, and Dahlias, for example—need to be planted in the fall in order to give them enough time to bloom in the spring. So how can you get the best results from your bulbs to have a stunning yard next year? The Maryland landscaping experts at Four Season are here to help!
So you want to plant bulbs. Getting them to bloom so you can have a beautiful lawn isn’t difficult, you just have to follow the right steps and plan ahead. So how can you have a stunning lawn in time for next spring? Here are some tips to get you ready:
- Timing is everything. Like anything in life, timing your bulb planting is essential. So when’s the best time to plant your bulbs? You should start your plantings roughly six months out from spring. However, this isn’t an iron clad rule—there are mitigating factors to consider.
- Check the temperature. When you’re planting your bulbs, you need to make sure the soil temperature is cool enough. Bulbs are at their happiest when the soil temperature is between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. A good rule of thumb is to wait for the first frost, which in Maryland is usually between early October and early November.
- Watch for sunlight. Bulbs like the sun—no shock there. So when you’re planting them, plan in advance for the spring. Make sure your plants will get good sunlight! That mostly means avoiding the shadows of your house and other landscaping features. Since most trees won’t have leaves when your bulbs sprout, you won’t have to worry too much about tree cover being an issue.
- Check for moisture. Plants like to stay dry! When planting your bulbs, make sure you have soil that drains well. If not, the bulbs could rot and not sprout.
When planting your bulbs, make sure you dig a hole between 5 and 8 inches deep. Err on the lower side for small bulbs and vice versa for larger ones. The first year you plant bulbs, they won’t need any special fertilizer or plant food, but if you plant a perennial bulb, you’ll need cow manure to cover the top layer of soil after the flowers die for the season. You can pick this up at any gardening center, and it will keep your bulbs happy for years to come!

Contact Four Seasons for Plantings Today
Four Seasons’ nursery has all the best plants for your Maryland garden. Contact us today to learn more!